Download and Background Artwork

« of 16 » is offering a free collection of Clipart in our Download section. Please do not copy any other images, games, etc., from’s website. The graphics, contents, and games on our website are not free domain. However, please feel free to pick any free clipart, Wallpaper, or screensavers from the download section. To save a clipart graphic to your computer, (PC: right-click) or (MAC: click and hold) and then choose to save.
If you use our clipart, please include a link back to this site. You may link back to us by picking one of the images that we have provided below, or by adding a URL link back to our site. Thanks! You can pick any of the clipart images below:

You can use the clipart for your webpage, art projects, reports, newsletters, commercial and non-commercial projects. If you use it for commercial please email a sample of how it is used. It’s only so we can check out how it’s used. It’s cool to know it’s useful. If you want permission you can email us. You may NOT sell it, put it on a CD to sell, or put it on any other website that charge money for clipart and wallpaper. Please include a link to our clipart index at,, so that other people can come and enjoy our free clipart and get a chance to pick their favorites. We can change the terms and conditions as we see fit.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. May Disappear Without Your Support

We need your support in keeping prongo running. I’ve devoted 25 years to providing free educational games on, driven by the joy of helping others learn. I’ve never asked for anything in return, but today I need to ask for your help. May Disappear Without Your Support

Please donate a small amount to to keep it running. We need your support in keeping prongo running. I’ve devoted 25 years to providing free educational games on, driven by the joy of helping others learn. I’ve never asked for anything in return, but today I need to ask for your help.
